Terms & Conditions

The last update of our Terms & Conditions was on .

Article 1: Definitions

City game or game: a city game played using software purchased from Playpulse BV (www.urbanhunt.be or www.urbanhunt.nl).

Services: the services provided by Playpulse BV, in the form of offering software to play city games, in the context of the city game booked by the customer.

Customer: any natural person or legal entity on whose behalf a reservation is made. Playpulse: Playpulse BV, company number BE 0753 515 596, headquartered at Tabakstraat 78, 9800 Wontergem (Belgium).

Players: the natural persons participating in the city game purchased by the customer.

City: a city where the city game is offered.

Small groups: groups with a maximum of 19 players, older than 9 years.

Large groups: groups consisting of at least 20 players, older than 9 years.

Request: a customer's request to Playpulse to organize a city game at a chosen time and location.

Purchase: a purchase made by the customer of a city game via the Playpulse website. For large groups, this must be preceded by approval from Playpulse to organize the city game at the requested time and location by the customer.

Website: www.urbanhunt.be and www.urbanhunt.nl

Article 2: Formation of the agreement

By making an online purchase or submitting a request, an agreement is concluded between the customer and Playpulse.

Article 3: Cancellation

Cancellation by the customer

If a city game has not started, the customer always has the possibility to reclaim the full amount paid. To do so, the customer must send an email to info@urbanhunt.be. Playpulse undertakes to refund the amount within five working days.

Early termination by the customer

A refund is also provided if the game is terminated during the first 45 minutes. This occurs under the same conditions as in the case of cancellation by the customer (see above).

Cancellation by Playpulse

Playpulse strives to develop flawless software. However, if, as an exception, it proves impossible to play the city game due to a technical deficiency, a full refund will always be provided. Playpulse has the right to stop any game without any compensation if the software detects that more players are participating than the number for which payment has been made.

Article 4: Performance of the agreement

Customers who make a purchase for a small group can determine when and in which city the game will be played. Customers who make a purchase for a large group must submit a request indicating in which city and at what time they want to play the city game. Playpulse will inform if this fits within the schedule.

Through a game-specific hyperlink, the customer can choose the game settings (e.g., location and language). The customer receives this hyperlink immediately after payment or sending the request via SMS and email. Urban Hunt provides access to a web application for all players, which allows them to participate in the city game.

Customers who make a purchase for small groups pay for a maximum number of players. They can determine when and in which city the game will be played. The actual number of players cannot exceed the number for which the purchase was made.

If a small group wants to play the city game with more players than the number for which a purchase was made, a refund of a purchased city game can be requested. For this, we refer to the conditions formulated in Article 3. Subsequently, a new game can be purchased.

Article 5: Price and payment

Price: customers of small groups must pay the amount specified on the website in advance. The payment is made online. The provision of the mollie.com payment system on the website does not guarantee that this system is flawless and free from errors or disruptions. Playpulse is not liable for any damages, both direct and indirect, resulting from carrying out a payment on the website using the mollie.com software.

Customers of large groups will pay Playpulse the agreed-upon amount as the sole and complete financial compensation. The payment must be received in Playpulse's bank account at least four working days before the start of the activity unless otherwise expressly agreed between the customer and Playpulse. Each customer has the option to request an invoice or quote before making the payment. If fewer players participate in the city game of a large group than the number for which payment was made, no partial refund can be provided.

The agreed-upon compensation is all-inclusive (including VAT). Pricing and invoicing are in Euros. Playpulse can unilaterally adjust the prices on the website at any time. The prices of already scheduled city games cannot be unilaterally changed. Each customer has the option to request an invoice by ticking the corresponding box when purchasing a game or submitting a request.

If it has been expressly agreed between the customer and Playpulse that payment may be made after the activity, this invoice must be paid to the account mentioned on the invoice within 30 days after the city game has taken place. Any expired and unpaid invoice will automatically, without prior notice, be increased by default interest of 10% per year. The conventional interest rate of 10% per year also remains in effect after any possible summons. The amount of unpaid invoices will automatically be increased by 10% (with a minimum of 150 euros) as compensation for damages, as of the day following the due date of the invoices, without prior notice of default, and in addition to the principal amount, default interest, collection, reminder, and prosecution costs. This compensation is due to compensate Playpulse for all extrajudicial expenses, loss of time, and administrative costs. Objections regarding the invoice must be sent by email to info@playpulse.be within 8 calendar days of the invoice date. However, an objection does not exempt the customer from the obligation to pay the invoice in a timely manner.

Article 6: Obligations and responsibilities of the customer

It is strictly prohibited for players to play the city game under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medications, narcotics, or in the case of any medical problems in the broadest sense of the word. The city game can be played by both adults and minors. Each team must have at least one person older than 12 years. Each team with one or more children younger than 12 years must have at least one adult. The traffic regulations apply to all players without exception. It must be ensured that all traffic rules are always respected by oneself and all players of the team. We cannot tolerate players not respecting traffic rules or exhibiting risky behavior in public spaces. The element of speed and competition is always subordinate to traffic rules. It may happen that the thoughts of the players are primarily or fully focused on the city game. However, this must never lead to the players not respecting the traffic rules or exhibiting risky behavior. Never choose the shortest or fastest route if there is a safer alternative. Players must be mindful of never endangering themselves or other road users. Running is only allowed if it has been determined in advance that the traffic situation, the traffic regulations, and the characteristics of the public space allow it. Since the city game is played through a web application, special attention must be paid to how players use the smartphone in public spaces during the game. Players may only look at the smartphone when they are not in motion and the traffic regulations and circumstances allow consulting the smartphone in that location. Violations of the above rules are outside the responsibility of Playpulse.

Article 7: Satisfaction guarantee

Playpulse undertakes to provide a full refund if the city game is terminated within the first 45 minutes (i.e., no team submits an answer after the first 45 minutes of the game), and Playpulse is informed of this no later than 7 working days after the day on which the game took place, via email addressed to info@playpulse.be. Late requests will not be processed and imply an irrevocable abandonment of a claim by the customer.

In case of technical problems caused by the software of Playpulse BV, compensation is provided. Playpulse must be informed of this no later than 7 working days after the day on which the game took place, via email addressed to info@playpulse.be. Late requests will not be processed and imply an irrevocable abandonment of a claim by the customer.

Article 8: Complaints

The customer must submit any complaint by email to info@playpulse.be within 8 (eight) calendar days from the day the city game took place. The customer must provide a detailed justification for the complaint.

Article 9: Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights related to the city game, including the game concept, game rules, domain name, game names, questions, editor, design, etc., remain the exclusive property of Playpulse. Distortions or modifications of this property owned by Playpulse are strictly prohibited. The content always remains the exclusive property of Playpulse and may not be used by others without approval.

Article 10: Competent court

If a competent court determines that a provision of these general terms and conditions is void, that provision will be removed from the general terms and conditions without affecting the validity of the remaining conditions: the remaining provisions of the terms and conditions will remain unaffected and enforceable. Belgian law applies to the general terms and conditions and the relationship between the customer and Playpulse. The customer and Playpulse agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the competent courts in Belgium to resolve any legal issues arising from the interpretation of the terms and conditions. The courts of Ypres have jurisdiction over any disputes in which Playpulse would be involved in the execution of its activities.