Urban Hunt is suitable for companies that want to experience a high-quality, interactive team building without any worries.

No intellectual barrier

From easy no-brainers to challenging puzzles: there are tasks of three levels making the team building achievable for every colleague.

No technological barrier

Plug and play is our motto. Colleagues scan a QR code, and Urban Hunt launches. Nothing needs to be downloaded. A charged smartphone is all that colleagues need to provide.

No physical barrier

Walk slowly and thoughtfully from task to task or prefer to run while snatching penalty points from another team? The intensity is determined by oneself. Strategy, attentiveness, and a sharp mind win over speed.

No knowledge threshold

During Urban Hunt, we do not ask any knowledge questions. Colleagues who have never been to the city are on equal footing with locals.

No age barrier

For both young and seasoned colleagues, Urban Hunt is guaranteed to be a hit. A mix of abilities catapults a team to the top ranks.

No preparation

Our Urban Hunt team comes on-site to guide everything smoothly. This way, you can enjoy the team building without any worries.

Make a non-binding request here

Ready for an unforgettable team building?

The request is handled within five hours at the latest, even on weekends.

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