Place | Team | Final score | Correct challenges | Base points |
1 | Kapitein Haak Angelique, Jeroen, Lies, . Egon | 940 | 18 | 340 |
2 | Kapitein Iglo Kathleen, Katrien, Niels Picard, Koen | 750 | 19 | 370 |
3 | Kapitein Jack Sparrow Robbe, Marino, Barbara Coppens, Rosanne, caroline | 740 | 18 | 350 |
4 | Zwartbaard brecht, Brecht Pype, Nele, Tineke | 380 | 12 | 210 |
5 | Piet Piraat Ellen, Cedric, Marika, Miss B | 190 | 10 | 210 |
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Most base points captured.
First to solve a challenge correctly.
Last to solve a challenge correctly.
Most points collected for a challenge.
Most wrong answers.
Most correct answers.
Fastest time between two correct challenges.
Longest time between two correct challenges.
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